In order to send email, AspEmail "talks" to an SMTP server. The SMTP server
does not have to be running on the same machine as AspEmail, in fact
it can be located anywhere on the local network or the Internet.
You must specify the address of your SMTP server via the Host property.
The default port number for SMTP services is 25, but if your SMTP server runs on
a different port, you must also specify it via the Port property:
Mail.Host = "" ' Required
Mail.Port = 25 ' Optional. Port is 25 by default
You may also specify a comma- or semicolon-separated list of SMTP hosts, as follows:
Mail.Host = ";;"
If the first host on the list is down, AspEmail will automatically
attempt to connect to the second host, etc. If none of the specified hosts
are working, an error exception will be thrown.
You must also specify the sender's email address and, optionally, name as follows:
Mail.From = "" ' Required
Mail.FromName = "Sales Department" ' Optional
To add message recipients, CCs, BCCs, and Reply-To's, use the
AddAddress, AddCC, AddBcc and
AddReplyTo methods, respectively. These methods accept two parameters:
the email address and, optionally, name. Notice that you must not use an '='
sign to pass values to the methods. For example,
Mail.AddAddress "", "John Smith"
Mail.AddCC "" ' Name is optional
Use the Subject and Body properties to specify the message
subject and body text, respectively. A body can be in a text or
HTML format. In the latter case, you must also set the IsHTML property
to True. For example,
' text format
Mail.Subject = "Sales Receipt"
Mail.Body = "Dear John:" & chr(13) & chr(10) & "Thank you for your business. Here is your receipt."
' HTML format
Mail.Subject = "Sales Receipt"
Mail.Body = "<HTML><BODY BGCOLOR=#0000FF>Dear John:....</BODY></HTML>"
Mail.IsHTML = True
To send a file attachment with a message, use the AddAttachment method.
It accepts the full path to a file being attached. Call this method as many
times as you have attachments. Notice that you must not use the '=' sign to
pass a value to the method:
Mail.AddAttachment "c:\dir\receipt.doc"
To send a message, call the Send method. The method throws exceptions
in case of an error. You may choose to handle them by using the
On Error Resume Next statement, as follows:
On Error Resume Next
If Err <> 0 Then
Response.Write "An error occurred: " & Err.Description
End If