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The following chapters guide you step-by-step through all the features AspEmail has to offer.
  1. Introduction
    Covers general AspEmail features, system requirements, and the installation procedure.

  2. Getting Started
    Covers sending simple text and HTML email.

  3. Attachments
    Covers sending email with file attachments. Also covers AspUpload usage in conjunction with AspEmail.

  4. Embedded Images
    Covers sending email with embedded images.

  5. Authentication & Security
    Covers SMTP authentication, as well as S/MIME encryption and digital signing of messages.

  6. Unicode & Non-ASCII Support
    Covers AspEmail's foreign alphabet support.

  7. Message Queuing, Part I
    Covers message queuing and deferred processing functionality.

  8. Message Queuing, Part II
    Covers logging and bounced-message handling. Home Page Copyright © 1998 - 2009 Persits Software, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
AspEmail™ is a trademark of Persits Software, Inc.