aspSmartUpload Object Last modified: March 1st, 2002 © 2002 Advantys. All rights reserved. |
The SmartUpload object
The SmartUpload object can be created directly from an ASP program.
Set myUpload = Server.CreateObject("AspSmartUpload.SmartUpload")
myUpload.Collections | Properties | Methods CollectionsProperties
CodePage Set the code page to save files with the correct filename. TotalMaxFileSize Maximum allowed size of all files to be uploaded. MaxFileSize Maximum allowed size of one file to be uploaded. AllowedFilesList Contains the upload authorized file extensions list. DeniedFilesList Contains the upload denied file extensions list. DenyPhysicalPath Prevents file saving in directories other than virtual directories. ContentDisposition Sets the content-disposition headers of the MIME Type. DownloadBlockSize The DownloadBlockSize value is used to determine how much data will be read from the data source at one time. TotalBytes Size in bytes of the POST form. BinaryData Byte corresponding to the table index containing the transmitted data. Methods
UpLoad UpLoad the POST form. Save Save all files. DownloadFile Download a file. DownloadField Download a file from a DataBase. FieldToFile Create a file with a DataBase field. UploadInFile Save the POST form in a file.
myFiles.Collection | Properties | MethodCollection
File File Object. Properties
Count Number of File's objects. TotalBytes Size in bytes of the files collection. Method
Item(ID) (Default method) Returns the File object with the specified ID.
The File object
myFile.Proprerties | MethodsProperties
Name Name of this item of the POST form. FileName File's name entered by the user. FileExt File's extension entered by the user. FilePathName File's path entered by the user. ContentType File's content-type entered by the user. ContentDisp Content-disposition of the POST form. Size File's size. ContentString Returns the content of file in one string. TypeMIME Return the MIME type entered by the user. SubTypeMIME Return the MIME sub-type entered by the user. IsMissing Return true if the user has not specified a file. BinaryData Byte corresponding to the table index containing the transmitted data. Methods
SaveAs Save the file on the disk. Always overwrites existing files. FileToField Save a file in a field of a DataBase.
The Form object
myFom.Collection | Properties | MethodCollection
Item Item object. Propertie
Count Number ITEM objects of the FORM collection. Method
Item(ID) (Default method) Returns the ITEM object with the specified position in the FORM.
The Item object
© 2002 Advantys. All rights reserved.